Technologies and Animation
The history of animation technology has evolved immensely throughout the years, and we are now in a world where computer technology helps create eye-catching animated videos enjoyed by a larger public, thanks to internet streaming.
Even though we’ve seen major names in the sphere who have changed the direction of animation to what we know it today, many of us link the progress with the Disney figure.
The stories and characters of these popular animated feature films have become part of our modern traditions, enjoyed by every generation. Gone are the days when animators used cels, hand-drawn shadows, lanterns and moving objects. The way of doing animation today is much more progressive and it majorly depends on advanced computer-generated imagery (CGI).
The Era of Computers
Even the early Disney masterpieces like Toy Story wouldn’t have been possible without the computer technology. In the past the animators used to work very hard just to make a small video, but now it's all computerized and one can easily see the true evolution of animation. Today it’s far less time-consuming and apparently far more diverse.
Why They Show Us What They Show Us?
Nowadays, the animation technology is not only widely used in cartoons and TV shows made for both kids and adults, but also for business purposes. Just like The Simpsons, South Park or Rick and Morty have an insanely broad audience, animated videos have a power to grab the attention of huge masses. We easily allow ourselves to become inserted in a world that is not ours, and go along with the story. In spite of all the concpiracies going around the animated content on Netflix, Amazon or Hulu, this is definitely the favorite passtime for millions.
Explainer Videos
Animation opens up a world of opportunities for not only entertaining the audience, but also promoting an idea or vision and educating them. Throughout the recent years, animated videos have become a powerful marketing tool in the hands of brands and individuals.
Why? Because they are simple, informative and fun! It takes no time to engage with potential clients through a cool video that lasts around a minute, rather than with well-documented boring info.
No matter whether it’s an animated whiteboard explainer, illustrated humans or a mix of live-action and motion graphics, these explainer videos have a story to tell, a product or a service to sell.
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